Fledge in a sentence as a verb

I agree that it makes sense to have the front-end talk to their CRM, but is it a full fledge CRM?

I like to stay between full fledge designing and full fledge programming.

Why o why do each and all of the OSS clones I've seen use a freaking full-fledge database?

And there was a need for full fledge ecommerce site - for which they were quoting multiyear lead times.

In the case they really do, that spreadsheet is probably worth enough to buy a full fledge MBP.

But, in reality, it runs a full fledge browser and Microsoft Office 2013.

It would take no effort for them to add a few digits to that download process and turn it into a full fledge store.

Given that PS is a full-fledge programming language, too, that could be the basis for some crazy per-letter randomization.

I agree that the OP should work to retain 100% accuracy in his article, but I disagree that he should fledge out "the truth" to its fullest extent for a beginner.

Offering test-and-set type operations is a nice alternative to full-fledge transactions for many use cases.

These stories, and the hdd full fledge arm controllers[1] makes me thing we need to correctly map and manage every bit of memory and processing unit in our machines.

I completely agree with you, but don't forget one other hugely important decision wrt to G+ that was controversial at the time: the refusal to release a full fledge API.

It's worth noting that the new versions of flash run off AS3, which is a full fledge programming language so rather than passing in XML parameters you would probably be better of writing some code in AS3 that utilizes the library.

Fledge definitions


feed, care for, and rear young birds for flight


decorate with feathers; "fledge an arrow"

See also: flight


grow feathers; "The young sparrows are fledging already"

See also: feather