Flatbed in a sentence as a noun

It wasn't dropped off by a flatbed truck or something.

I have a flatbed fax-machine that's easy to sit on and a couple of things I want to fax them...

I may not have sufficiently thought this through, but what about having them take off from and return to mobile flatbed trucks?

Using a flatbed scanner is completely impractical at 1 minute per page.

That is also equally easy to explain: He gets more clicks because of the picture of motor trend's car of the year on the flatbed.

The scanner has a mind of its own and there is no convincing it to use the flatbed scanner when it has decided you want to use the feeder.

Calling the flatbed tow truck is a pretty bad negative event for a normal car owner who is used to being able to ride on E for a few more miles.

The "battery never ran out of energy"... which may be technically true, but whatever energy may have remained in the main battery, the car was so dead that it couldn't even be towed without a flatbed truck.

From Wikipedia:Ray was the principal inventor of the first CCD flatbed scanner, the first omni-font optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind, the first text-to-speech synthesizer[citation needed], the first music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments, and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognition.

Flatbed definitions


freight car without permanent sides or roof

See also: flatcar flat


an open truck bed or trailer with no sides; used to carry large heavy objects