Flashiness in a sentence as a noun

" What's the point of this much 'flashiness' in a slide-based presentation?

The technical restrictions of mobile reined in a lot of the excess flashiness.

I felt the exact opposite, that this was the first time the content overshadowed the flashiness.

It is newer, so it doesn't have the flashiness and polish that Elm has in some places, but I feel like it's built on a more solid foundation.

Running a chain of greenhouses lack the flashiness of, say, particle physics, but it can be both profitable and socially important.

It was a commercial that certainly did not induce excitement - just run-on-the-mill flashiness.

Indeed, I don't think the dot-com bubble of the late 90s was characterized by much open source development at all!It was, rather, consumed with "flashiness" and "wow factor".

I think I've got a grasp on your basic point: that the effective or required ratio of flashiness to content is invariably higher in talks than it is in essays.

The author almost but not quite makes the point that short term flashiness in an interview has little correlation, perhaps none at all, with likelihood of successful long term execution.

Have site owners been mis-led into thinking that flashiness equates to credibility or customer satisfaction?

Is it really so innovative to create an expensive, over-wrought building with an "architecture" stank on it that looks more contextual on Architizier than the physical site?Marc seems to be encouraging flashiness for the sake of instagram likes rather than what makes sense long term for the locals.

Flashiness definitions