Flagellate in a sentence as a noun

You don't have to agree with me, but that doesn't sound like a request to self-flagellate.

If I am not going to flagellate myself, why would I allow others to do it to me?

Tiger Woods has millions in the bank too, and he still had to self-flagellate when he wronged his wife.

It's human suffering much in the same way that choosing to flagellate yourself with a cat o' nine tails is.

Flagellate in a sentence as a verb

Ok, but is the solution for all men to self-flagellate and feel guilty about their sexualities?

Heh, privilege, the way leftist flagellate see it is: If your life is better than someone else's, you are privileged.

I haven't heard news about where his money went, but I haven't heard they spent it paying people to self-flagellate or rape each other or overtake a nation by force.

Your attempt to self-flagellate, or more accurately flagellate others by abstaining from straws does not help or hurt the environment.

Flagellate in a sentence as an adjective

Hey, is there anyone here who feels the need to self-flagellate in public over imagined sins, but not to read the article before trying to contribute to the discussion?

C has never had much in the way of widely-followed social conventions, so practically speaking, the only way to ensure everyone knows they can depend on other programmers behaving this way is for the compiler to flagellate anyone who steps out of line.

The point is - in case that isn't clear yet - that both Obamacare and whatever is the current flavor of the month are both absolutely terrible for the voters and yet they continue to self-flagellate in spite of there being many examples of properly run healthcare systems.

Wait til you get to the part about how the aliens, who are definitely visiting us, probably don't exist anymore "because we don't take care of our planet"Yeah we're so terribly we exist, and have enough surplus food for this idiot to search for extraterrestrial life and simultaneously flagellate his species.

Flagellate definitions


a usually nonphotosynthetic free-living protozoan with whiplike appendages; some are pathogens of humans and other animals

See also: mastigophoran mastigophore


whip; "The religious fanatics flagellated themselves"

See also: scourge


having or resembling a lash or whip (as does a flagellum)

See also: flagellated whiplike lash-like