Fitful in a sentence as an adjective

So fitful is a period full of fits.

James Nestor’s new book ‘Breath’ may be useful to you if you suffer from fitful sleep.

Could fitful sleep be a symptom of overtraining?

Turns out, fitful is not related to being fit or to a full night of sleep, but more to throwing a fit.

On days when I wake up after a fitful sleep, my brain wanders off from work at the slightest distraction.

Perl, Ruby, Python all have the necessary toolkit to fitful this roll.

My sleep is completely wrecked if I have something to drink beforehand - I'll go to sleep fine, but the sleep is always fitful and I don't feel rested in the morning.

""In December, the Ontario government announced that after a slow and fitful start, the province will open itself up to more cannabis retail.

People don't usually "change" all that much from generation to generation, and I don't want to get into some trap of thinking about "golden days" or any of that nonsense; people have always been fitful and worried, depressive even.

So in the context of these inflammation problems, I wonder what exactly it is about fitful sleep that leads to these inflammation responses and whether taking a toke before bed could be beneficial to your arteries.

"> "Misconceptions about this tic disorder are customary," he adds, "with the syndrome often perceived as characterized by bizarre, fitful behaviors or comical outbursts of uncontrollable profanity.

No proper fever [some of my sleep is the slightly fitful sleep I'd associate with fighting off mild infections, but my temperature is normal or very close], I've coughed only a literal handful of times and not painfully, so clearly sufficiently mild to miss those characteristic responses, no headache and only occasional feelings of fatigue and a bit more sleep than usual.

Not tested [govt policy] but it's a completely unfamiliar infection of the lungs picked up in a major European city, so go figure...No proper fever [some of my sleep is the slightly fitful sleep I'd associate with fighting off mild infections, but my temperature is normal or very close], I've coughed only a literal handful of times and not painfully, so clearly sufficiently mild to miss those characteristic responses, no headache and only occasional feelings of fatigue and a bit more sleep than usual.

Fitful definitions


occurring in spells and often abruptly; "fitful bursts of energy"; "spasmodic rifle fire"

See also: spasmodic


intermittently stopping and starting; "fitful (or interrupted) sleep"; "off-and-on static"

See also: interrupted