Fireman in a sentence as a noun

Regular fireman just want to take care of safety..

I can no more wonder what would be obvious or not to a doctor, teacher, lawyer, fireman etc.

He couldn't walk, and I picked him up fireman's style, and he was coughing out and puking water all down my back as I carried him to shore.

These folks aren't HN-rich either: fighter pilot, fireman, teacher, social worker...

If we say a fireman thinks like a fire, it's a compliment, not a statement that his mind can be modeled by simple physical laws.

There's quite a bit of a difference between being a writer, and being a surgeon/emergency doctor/fireman.

I don't have to consider myself a fireman to imagine using an ABC extinguisher to save my home and family.

I get to vote on whether the fire station gets a new truck whether or not I've ever been a fireman, whether or not I've ever driven a truck, and whether or not my house has ever been on fire.

You can be a doctor and save lives, you can be a scientist, finding cures to diseases in a lab and save lives, you can be a fireman and save lives or even be an investor in nanotechnology labs and save lives.

Yes I'm sure there are specialized CDC facilities for special work where more extreme care is taken, I'm just guessing in general they're probably more paranoid about blood transmitted diseases than say your average rural Wisconsin fireman would be.

In exerting a downward force upon the air, the wing receives an upward counterforce--by the same principle, known as Newton's law of action and reaction, which makes a gun recoil as it shoves the bullet out forward; and which makes the nozzle of a fire hose press backward heavily against the fireman as it shoots out a stream of water forward.

Fireman definitions


play in which children pretend to put out a fire


a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship)

See also: stoker


a pitcher who does not start the game

See also: reliever


a member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires

See also: firefighter fire-eater