Fils in a sentence as a noun

The "9,750" is actually 9 dinars and 750 fils - an amount equivalent to $35!

> By the way the french translation of "Your son is dead" as "Votre fils est mort" is very dry and tastelessThat's exactly the point.

Skycouch seem to have an extender that fils the empty space where you normally put your legs wheres this seems like a regular seat.

By the way the french translation of "Your son is dead" as "Votre fils est mort" is very dry and tasteless, the proper way or saying it in french is "votre fils est decede".

Essentially it’s a small, localized version of golden handcuffs for the rank-and-fils, since it means if you leave the company within the first year you get no stock.

In the case of a sound so loud that is leaving vacuum behind, there should be another wave on the opposite direction that fils up the vacuum, when the original wave gets very weak.

Fils definitions


100 Yemeni fils are worth one Yemeni rial


a fractional monetary unit in Bahrain and Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait; equal to one thousandth of a dinar