Festive in a sentence as an adjective

It is bad for the brand to charge ultra high rates when people are feeling festive.

Some items were cheaper on other sites in festive season but that doesn't make it a flop.

In that it was dated three days before Christmas, I suppose he was in a festive, generous, mood.

It seems more like Microsoft is desperate to get more customers this festive season.

The shop is out-of-step with the mind-set and rhythm of the locals, with the exception of the festive season.

If you don't like it you might want to consider your choices when buying or requesting presents this festive season.

That may be true, I've never used Elfster, but the design of this landing page is far superior and more festive in my opinion.

For readers who aren't from India and wondering about the "festive season", the Indian festive season is different from US.

This festive map shows seismic hazard in Northern California, where pretty much all the large Internet companies are based, along with a zillion startups.

The amusing thing here is bunch of unpaid interns living on ramen, renting a two bedroom flat for a collective of four, work 12 hours a day writing elaborate articles on luxury, fashion and festive lifestyle.

Festive definitions


offering fun and gaiety; "a festive (or festal) occasion"; "gay and exciting night life"; "a merry evening"

See also: festal merry