Fertilise in a sentence as a verb

Also, it can be related to changes in the way we grow, feed or fertilise cattle and plants.

>One possibility was that Leonie had been storing sperm from her ex and using it to fertilise her eggs.

For example, lobster used to be used to fertilise fields and to feed prisoners and servants in the American North-East.

You don't want one bull to do 100% of cows, but one bull can easily do an entire herd, and using In Vitro methods the most valuable bulls fertilise thousands of cows.

Given that we do, why do we have so many males when a tenth or a hundredth as many would do to fertilise all the females?Apologies for the late reply.

The inhabitants of Rapa Nui had an agricultural system with ingenious ways to fertilise its soil.

First, humans don't generate enough waste to fertilise the crops they need to survive; that's why the Haber-Bosch process was so incredibly revolutionary.

I did see once a documentary on a spider, where if there were no males to reproduce with, the female would hatch a single male spider that was a clone, and that spider would then fertilise her eggs before being devoured.

I can only imagine how badly this increases the environmental impact of meat industry if this fertiliser is used to fertilise soy fed to beef cattle which is hugely inefficient in providing protein to humans

"Humanity’s earliest, truly transformative general purpose technologies were the ability to cross-fertilise plants and cross-breed animals.

Fertilise definitions


make fertile or productive; "The course fertilized her imagination"

See also: fertilize fecundate


provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to; "We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants"

See also: fertilize feed


introduce semen into (a female)

See also: inseminate fecundate fertilize