Fertilisation in a sentence as a noun

You'll want to leave the grass-clippings in the lawn for fertilisation.

The existence of god & fertilisation methods for turnips.

We can start with iron fertilisation experiments - Australia has a lot of it, and is near oceans.

We can use fertilisation treatments to ensure that the fertilised eggs lack the mutation causing Tay-Sachs.

You're not going to get fertilisation treatments if you're not planning to get pregnant.> Why should the "dirty" people sufferWhy should anyone suffer?

But it has to be said that we have eight billion people on Earth, and without pesticide, without fertilisation, it is not possible to feed these people.

Why waste taxpayers cash on that when the CO2 fertilisation effect will expand vegetation cover anyway?

The initial fertilisation is essential, but differentiation into organs, the "other ideas along the way" must come along.

Sperm numbers are progressively whittled down as they migrate up the female tract, so that less than one in a million from the original ********* will surround the egg at the time of fertilisation.

The abundance of 111 protein spots varied significantly between fertilisation regimes.

I don't really follow the arguments that:> Biologically, a man’s role is limited to the act of fertilisation and from that moment onwards, the woman bears the burden of gestation through to labour and child birth.

We're mistreating land with over fertilisation and suffering steady soil loss everywhere that's adopted post-war industrial agriculture.

"I refer not to the hot-button issues of abortion or stem cell research but to the Catholic church's continued opposition to a decidedly pro-life medical intervention: in vitro fertilisation.

Looking at the destruction such as algal blooms in countless water courses from over fertilisation, steady soil erosion, loss of wild flora and fauna caused by industrialised agriculture and the colossal fields with a single crop, as far as the eye can see in every direction, it's hard to call it progress.

Fertilisation definitions


creation by the physical union of male and female gametes; of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant

See also: fertilization fecundation impregnation


making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure

See also: fertilization fecundation dressing