Ferric in a sentence as an adjective

Lots of ferric metal can occur naturally and is no better.

But let's be honest, who has ferric chloride solution in their kitchen cabinet?

Yeah all the naturally occuring ferric metal in Kansas sure is a plague upon our lands.

I know this because I am taking a job in NYC and spent the past week crashing on ferric's couch, conducting an apartment search full-time.

Not what I said - the Chelyabinsk meteor was a large ferric bolide, which isn't the kind of meteor which typically airbursts - that's reserved for less dense material.

Then I remembered that the program in the ROM assumed a particular bit numbering, literally while my board was bubbling away in the ferric chloride.

So much natural ferric material just laying around, I'm getting sick of it all!Let's bring that up instead of talking about the massive amounts of pollution above and below ground.

The low quality ingredient on a low end tape is probably still ferric oxide - not exactly an expensive chemical if I know anything about chemistry.

Please call the resulting program something related to but not identical to mutt, such as rustmutt, rustydog, mutt-ferric-oxide, or whatever else makes you happy.

Essentially, researchers found numerous sloping terrain sites with ferrous and ferric spectrographic signatures that have been rising and falling with temperature.

I'm just waiting to see what kinds of invasive practices we're regularly subject[0] to when an attacker decides to pack their **** cavity with explosives and have a short copper or other non-ferric lead to the blasting charge hanging out their butt.

Ferric definitions


of or relating to or containing iron

See also: ferrous