Feign in a sentence as a verb

It's a little weird to feign surprise over that.

What a silly thing to feign being outraged about.

They both need each other to exist, and yet feign like they can't stand each other at the same time.

And I have never, ever tried to feign sugar coated lies about anything else.

If you don't know the exact identities involved, you can feign ignorance and probably get away with it.

It's a good maneuver to feign interest and enthusiasm, and to make superiors remember your name.

Don't be pompous, don't feign ignorance, or try to blame others, just spit it out, and have whatever you need to tell them written or typed out on a piece of paper.

I wouldn't feign solidarity; if coordination occurred ahead of time, I'd indicate that I didn't plan to skip the exam.

To feign complete outrage over being spied upon yet happily tarnish relations with a sovereign nation to catch the whistleblower.

They empower ruthless sociopaths with billions of dollars and feign outrage when these despots hold their people hostage and slaughter thousands to maintain their hold on power.

If he truly thought the deal sucked, there are a lot of politically correct ways to feign corporate enthusiasm without saying "I was a strong proponent at the board level for the deal being done.

And it drives me nuts when people put me into positions where my only option is to feign enthusiasm, or to say something negative:Rude Person: "isn't Yanni just the most brilliant musician ever?

Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, inactivity.

Feign definitions


make believe with the intent to deceive; "He feigned that he was ill"; "He shammed a headache"

See also: sham pretend affect dissemble


make a pretence of; "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger"; "he feigned sleep"

See also: simulate assume sham