Faulty in a sentence as an adjective

By the grace of faulty nylon, I'm still here.

[2] Colors were indexed from 0-255 with ACI[0] being "byblock" so the logic was actually faulty.

He did not get it here, and that is a sad testament to how crowd-inspired frenzies can bend our perceptions in such faulty ways.

I don't think calling Apple out on selling a faulty $3000 laptop and refusing to repair it counts as histrionics or spam.

For example, a faulty data model that is let to grow to terabytes of information.

They first sort the faulty batch into two categories: the better ones that can be salvaged by LG itself, and the worse ones that have to go somewhere else.

[Edit: I last did this in 2006 and my recollection on some of the steps I took was faulty, so I've corrected them above and made it a little more flow-charty.

It is to accept the faulty premise that privacy is about hiding something -- that it is an active attempt to conceal information from the world.

Byzantine agreement with 3f+1 nodes can handle at most f faulty nodes, while Bitcoin can tolerate 49% of the network hashing power being malicious.

You're also relying on potentially faulty/emotional memories rather than having an actual stored account of issues.

To prevent this, you would need to be able to detect when a node is faulty/malicious which would require implementing a costly Byzantine Consensus Protocol [1].

Faulty definitions


having a defect; "I returned the appliance because it was defective"

See also: defective


characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules; "he submitted a faulty report"; "an incorrect transcription"; the wrong side of the road"

See also: incorrect wrong