Fastness in a sentence as a noun

Mugsy was fast because he worked hard to be fast, not because he was born with "fastness".

The F stands for Fast, and I don't even see any proof for their claim to fastness in the C version.

They claim the same "fastness" as Siphash whilst actually being on the slower end of all good hash functions.

Languages where the upgrade path to fastness isn't horrible are okay with me also.

If the tasks are not on your limit, you can emulate fastness with smartness, and emulate smartness with being fast.

Also, it could be possible to create an altair 8800 emulator with not so many CPU fastness issues.

From the comments here a lot of people seem surprised that any clojure version isn't automatically faster than a python one, just by the intrinsic fastness of clojure.

The thing that sucks, in my experience, is that the "fastness" of a text editor doesn't translate into productivity the way the abundance of plugins and support and popularity will.

Measuring and comparing the "fastness" of a language is a tricky thing in general, but I think it is safe to say that for most intents an purposes we can consider MacRuby just as fast as Objective-C.

"A speck of ice in the middle of a freezing fastness: a few square miles of uninhabited volcanic basalt groaning under several hundred feet of glacier, scraped raw by gales, shrouded by drifts of sea-fog, and utterly devoid of trees, shelter, or landing places.

Fastness definitions


a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens; "the project advanced with gratifying speed"

See also: speed swiftness


the quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment

See also: fixedness fixity fixture secureness


a strongly fortified defensive structure

See also: stronghold