Fabricated in a sentence as an adjective

I'm skeptical of Musk's claim that the review was fabricated.

My instincts say that this whole narrative is fabricated.

This isn't a fabricated credential on a resume; it is a lie that makes other people guilty by association.

Accusations can be made from any direction, real or fabricated.

This reminds me of a case in Europe, where a PhD chemist was found to have faked/fabricated large parts of his graduate work, including his thesis.

Are you saying that he was credited in the initial publication of the article and his screenshots that show this is not the case are fabricated?

Unless you suffer from a fundamental chemical imbalance your condition is one that is entirely fabricated by your brain.

Yeah, like US and UK populations voted out their chief warmongers pronto, once it came out that the rationale for getting into the Iraq war was fabricated... oh wait

If you look at Marx, or even Smith, it's clear that the wants and demands of the consumers are not always organic, but are often fabricated by the companies themselves.

His school, Seoul National University, disowned him in 2005, saying that he had fabricated the papers he had published to global acclaim.

In a world where science is just another fabricated self-serving belief system, there's no need to apply one's scientific literacy or application of physics learned in school when doing things like taking a car trip in winter.

Fabricated definitions


formed or conceived by the imagination; "a fabricated excuse for his absence"; "a fancied wrong"; "a fictional character"

See also: fancied fictional fictitious