Eyepiece in a sentence as a noun

Steve was walking around MIT's campus in the 90s looking like a borg with his eyepiece/headgear.

I expect everyone to have an eyepiece, a tablet, and an android phone in the next three years.

He had a DIY eyepiece he wore everywhere, with a chording keyboard slung on one side near his waist.

What does the navigator use the large eyepiece-looking thing for?

Even cheap dslr cameras have a small +/-3 diopter adjustment in the eyepiece.

After some very tedious aiming I got some clear views of the tiny disc of Jupiter through the 50x eyepiece.

If it is turned off, well and good, but still the "eyepiece" can cause problems like glare, reflection, transparency problems.

The whole interview was filled with these weird moments of, "so is he making eye contact, or looking at something in his eyepiece?

Much better pictures just holding a digital pocket camera up to the eyepiece.

They’re low on maintenance too and work well for showing others objects in the sky as they can keep whatever you look at centered in the eyepiece.

This increases comfort and reduces eyestrain compared to a single eyepiece microscope.

If you are making promotional artwork for a VR headset, try not to have the view in each eyepiece being the same picture slid horizontally.

Back in 2004 when I was interviewing for grad schools, I had an interview with Thad Starner [1], who wore a HUD eyepiece, and it was a distinctly weird experience.

This system monitors a 30 degree cone in front of the gun and transmits high-resolution thermal images in the 8-10 um range to a miniature video display in the operator's eyepiece.

Proper Noun Examples for Eyepiece

You'll have a cleaner, crisper picture looking through the eyepiece- Most cameras tend to have a refresh rate which is laggy.- Eyepiece optics tend to have a wider field of view, making it a lot easier to find interesting areas to focus on- Especially for fluorescence, using the eyepiece helps block out background light, letting you focus on faint details.

Eyepiece definitions


combination of lenses at the viewing end of optical instruments

See also: ocular