Eyepatch in a sentence as a noun

You put on your eyepatch, grab your cutlass, and raise the Jolly Roger.

After a couple of years of eyepatches I was told my vision in the affected eye would never improve.

They should dress as pirates when they go to parliament...the whole getup, an eyepatch, a fake parrot, a fake sword, etc

I could completely be missing the boat on this trend but things like this and the weird eyepatch that came up a while ago completely baffle me.

"It felt good to give Adobe my money, and I am not certain I would have paid for the product today had I not donned my peg-leg and eyepatch growing up.

Start by everyone decorating their own eyepatch, then have someone stagger in with a large map, a bullet wound and a story of buried treasure if they can decipher the clues.

A couple of years later I realized that my formerly amblyopic eye suddenly sees almost as well as the nonamblyopic one. I suspect the fact that my amblyopic eye was unwittingly overprescribed by 1 diopter might have played a role by giving it an advantage for reading even when not using an eyepatch.

Eyepatch definitions


a protective cloth covering for an injured eye

See also: patch