Extremist in a sentence as a noun

RMS doesn't seem such an extremist any more.

This made the pure OO languages look extremist.

I know I'm an extremist on government secrets, but I think there should be none.

I agree with the blog's premise: "extremist" languages are great for language and for research.

I'm sure it's there to stop extremist preachers but it's way to broad and sounds like it could be used to stop a **** of a lot of non-terrorists.

Will information that Snowden leaked now be deemed extremist material?

Portrayed as a saint, she was actually an extremist religious nutjob.

The definition of extremist is also very blurry, and will probably be abused in the future.

We've been told it's to protect us from the extremist muslims attempting to establish a caliphate here in America [1].

And even if he did, he'd be such an extremist that you wouldn't be able to reason with him anyway; in which case just ignoring that part would be best.

Extremist in a sentence as an adjective

The extremist position that everything good can and should come from the market system alone is about as nasty as its reverse, my friend.

Remember when they said filtering would just be for porn?And then just for pirates and porn?Now coming to you based on being an extremist in the eyes of government!

As in any group, the vocal minority tends to have the more fundamentalist / extremist points of view on a subject, which could lead to the outcomes TFA discusses.

It seems it is impossible to parody an extremist belief without somebody mistaking it for the general article.

""In 1933, the ultimate extremist group, led by Adolf Hitler, seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents and Jews.

He was offering Bollywood film executives funds to insert anti-extremist content into Bollywood films and promising to connect them to related networks in Hollywood.

We can stand up and say that a handful of isolated terrorist attacks is not justification to ratchet up governmental power to something a thousand times more terrifying than any homicidal extremist ever could be.

In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.” The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.

These extremists on both sides have pre-existing ideological war that's been going on for decades and has intensified over the internet, especially recently, as they isolate themselves in echo chambers like private subreddits and tumblr cliques.

Extremist definitions


a person who holds extreme views


(used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm; "extremist political views"; "radical opinions on education"; "an ultra conservative"

See also: radical ultra