Extramural in a sentence as an adjective

You're off on the NIH extramural budget by a factor of >10X.

It does create headaches for those of us who have to report gifts and extramural income sources.

Most places are redefining tenure though, so the only people that still have any meaningful resources are those that have extramural funding.

That said, if you go out and get extramural funding for your work, generally that is the definining characteristic of a successful PI, so...

The current administration has certainly done some damage but:- the NIH is one of the biggest drivers of biomedical research in the world, both in terms of extramural funding and intramural research.

Maybe providing a concrete example of what I propose will help you understand what I mean: one possibility is to encourage clever kids to participate in intellectually inclusive extramural activities where they can form social bonds with people less clever than themselves.

Extramural definitions


carried on outside the bounds of an institution or community; "extramural sports"