Expropriate in a sentence as a verb

You could expropriate all the wealth in the world, it wouldn't feed people for a year.

World’s smallest violin.> You could expropriate all the wealth in the world, it wouldn't feed people for a year.

The situation in the US seems to be really ****** up. I wonder why they aren't just expropriate VZ and giving the access to the Internet in public hands.

Forty years ago, Near Gare Montparnasse, they did let rot a whole area, so they could cheaply expropriate lower middle class people.

Presumably he believes that managers are there to expropriate the surplus happiness of the workforce.

We should expropriate their unfair profits and redistribute them to hard-working social workers and artists!

These "job creators" expropriate the surplus labor time of we the programmers, the network/system/database admins etc. who do all the work and create all the wealth.

I assume that if the government were to expropriate all the capital owned by shareholders of Apple, you wouldn't be out there saying that they deserve to keep it?

These people who are born to the manor, and who live off the wealth they expropriate from the workers who create that wealth, are ever increasingly disconnected from the real world and reality.

He wasn't entirely consistent on the remedy, but at times he agreed with leftists that it was legitimate for workers to expropriate their employers' property and reconstitute factories/etc.

Expropriate definitions


deprive of possessions; "The Communist government expropriated the landowners"