Explosive in a sentence as a noun

Maybe the next explosive event will feature WhatsApp?

It began "We're an exciting young explosive company.

In the year 2013 it is difficult to remember why Rails was such an explosive breath of fresh air, back when it burst onto the mainstage in 2004/2005.

Since that is impractical on multiple counts, the explosive detector is valuable because it narrows down the space.

Either tell him "Mr. Murkjee, you tested positive for di-hidrogen oxide, a substance we believe may be explosive.

The FBI agent flat out said that it was about his race when he said "a person of your background".And explosive detectors are not really there to find bombs.

Either do that, or just tell him that their preliminary tests showed traces of an explosive substance, we need to search your items to know for sure if it can be dangerous.

"My own experience with CrossFit is that some parts are perfectly fine; there's absolutely nothing wrong with circuit courses, and there's nothing wrong with explosive movement.

Explosive in a sentence as an adjective

I can't just go and mingle with the people who have been cleared to fly while I haven't, since I might stealthily hand them a knife or a pack of explosives after they've gone through the security check."7.

Who besides pg has had the depth and breadth of quality first-hand experience with such ventures over such a sustained period and in such an explosive context as that of recent years?

He helped make computers affordable internationally, paving the way for their explosive mass adoption.

One of the tell-tale signs is the lack of any negative learning experiences, for example how explosive growth forced them to consider other architectural designs.

Software businesses can fail on day 91 in an explosive a fashion as they can on day 1, and it appears from the report of Paypal's communication that Paypal is aware of this and is disinclined to do a fractional rolling reserve absent shipping.

All of your examples don't fall under the category of "Don't be Evil" but rather "Don't do anything Illegal".Apple equally could ship every iPhone with a keystroke logger and a C4 explosive to detonate every time someone typed Android.

What do you think somebody is supposed to do when they are detained against their will, subject to multiple interrogations, denied food and water, and otherwise accosted by a gang of jack-booted thugs?The only part of this story that makes it anything less than a total clusterfuck on the part of the TSA is that their so-called "explosive detector" alerted on something.

Explosive definitions


a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck


serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst; "an explosive device"; "explosive gas"; "explosive force"; "explosive violence"; "an explosive temper"


liable to lead to sudden change or violence; "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"

See also: volatile


sudden and loud; "an explosive laugh"