Exocrine in a sentence as a noun

The fast killers are exocrine: the cells that produce enzymes that digest protein.

Exocrine in a sentence as an adjective

FYI Steve Jobs had a neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer which is rarer and much more treatable than exocrine pancreatic cancers which are the kind Pausch and Trebic died from.

Proper Noun Examples for Exocrine

Exocrine cells - 95% of pancreatic cancer are in the exocrine cells which produce the enzymes that are responsible for food digestion, and 95% of exocrine cancers are adenocarcinomas which impact the cell lining of the pancreatic duct.

Exocrine definitions


a gland that secretes externally through a duct


of or relating to exocrine glands or their secretions