Executor in a sentence as a noun

In spark if you did this you would need to have 1TB of memory on the executor.

Get a simple, free app launcher like launchy or executor.

On the second request we skip the compile part and point the executor to the op_array in shared memory.

No, if I witness a scene on the road, take a picture and post it online, then I'm judge, jury and executor.

If you wanted to sleep without blocking a real thread would you use an executor service to write to a channel after delay and block on that?

How many people make significant changes to the planner/executor besides Tom Lane?

The problem I see here is that you snapped a picture and posted it in public - being prosecutor, judge, jury and executor in one person.

It would be easy to argue that someone who could consistently come up with the much better ones would be worth just as much if not more than a great executor.

"A newbie in concurrency whose mental model doesn't incorporate thread pools or executor services or synchronous queues can progress leaps & bounds in scala vs java when it comes to concurrency.

A newbie in concurrency whose mental model doesn't incorporate thread pools or executor services or synchronous queues can progress leaps & bounds in scala vs java when it comes to concurrency.

Executor definitions


a person appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of the will