Excitatory in a sentence as an adjective

We're talking about the same molecule that serves as an excitatory neurotransmitter in your brain.

Per [1], "It is used by every major excitatory function in the vertebrate brain, accounting in total for well over 90% of the synaptic connections in the human brain.

Hence not necessarily "excitatory" or "inhibitory" in a direct sense.

There are plenty of microscopic techniques to distinguish inhibitory from excitatory cells.

"Using both excitatory and inhibitory stimulation to increase the effectiveness of training:"Brain imaging suggested that the best way to do this would be to stimulate the motor cortex while the volunteer was doing the task.

Just curious, with current imaging techniques, can computers even distinguish inhibitory neurons from excitatory neurons?

Excitatory definitions


(of drugs e.g.) able to excite or stimulate

See also: excitant excitative