Euphory in a sentence as a noun

Then the euphory spreads. Then people start to do ridiculous things.

> The sad truth is that something essential gets lost in all of this everyone-can-do-it-yay-lets-all-code euphory. This attitude has been wearing on me as well.

>The sad truth is that something essential gets lost in all of this everyone-can-do-it-yay-lets-all-code euphory. I’m not exactly sure how to call it, so I’m going to pick something that is close enough to describe what I mean.

These could be classified as some sort of "high", but more in a sense of euphory, joy of being in nature, seeing some amazing places, random meetings with animals etc. But nothing comparable to other "high" states from *****.

Euphory definitions


a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation

See also: euphoria