Equalizer in a sentence as a noun

I would say that /that/ is the great equalizer, more than remote people with mailboxes in this day and age.

Is watching people in hacker school really enough of an equalizer compared to years of experience?

Words delivered as electronic text are a great equalizer, for both the writer and the reader.

Similarly uniforms: they're a social equalizer for people from a poor background.

Most of us dont have $20-$40k to buy our way onto a top list, but knowing that we could without having to have a publisher or hookup at Apple is a great equalizer.

So it really is this great equalizer in the sense of allowing new technologies to spring up and get serious traction because they don't need those network effects.

Bad parents are the ultimate equalizer, and are inherently unfixable.

Equalizer definitions


electronic equipment that reduces frequency distortion

See also: equaliser


a weight that balances another weight

See also: counterweight counterbalance counterpoise balance equaliser


a score that makes the match even