Environ in a sentence as a verb

Taking this further, genetics are not the only obstacle course - there is still variation in the womb environment and early childhood.

This "institutional" problem is compounded after college where they find themselves in rigid work environs.

If the problem it tries to solve is parsing environ to form response objects, or providing vanilla middlewares, that problem is very well solved by a wsgi library.

> trying to configure production services turns into tracing environment variables through a series of shell scripts sprinkled across my systemYes, exactly.

A series of greenhouse competition assays in a variety of environ- ments would be a good start, and any identified differences could point to areas requiring further study.

It's almost impossible to hit the right one without a lot of zooming]And, with rare exception of a MSM hit, the performance is more than adequate for an environ that should be encouraging reading, digesting, and composing.

The interplay of genes and the stability of process in the growing brain; affected by a lack of stimulation, poor nutrition and a stressful womb environ would likely have more impactful effects on intelligence than pure genetics.

Environ definitions


extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"

See also: surround ring skirt border