Entrancing in a sentence as an adjective

That's one of the most entrancing things about it to me.

They are going to show you the most entrancing thing they can come up with above the fold.

That color is strangely entrancing at night [my 335xi is in a very similar hue]

Wow, that ipviking site is somewhat entrancing to watch.

The loop in Animal Crossing is entrancing, but it doesn't become your entire world like when you put a headset on.

Do you admire the guy with the entrancing personality, or the one that is about to cure polio?

The fact that there is the inherit counter point between knowledge and delivery makes it entrancing.

It's too bad - some of the wa visualizers were so entrancing that it really did enhance the "listening" experience.

[1]The demoscene produces some truly entrancing artwork, an acid trip manifested in pixels.

This essay was exceedingly entrancing, enticing and thrilling!!!!!!!

Instead he proposes a technology that is entrancing to people who don’t know enough about engineering and physics, and that is exciting.

It started out thoroughly entrancing, but went on way too long, with only a handful of fixed mission types on offer as you slowly — very slowly — took over the world.

The idea that we are not or should not be our own masters, that we should dedicate ourselves to service to our communities and so forth is an entrancing idea, but it is mistaken.

[0]Even translated into English, the language is indescribably entrancing.

I'm guessing you'll enjoy it, from you preferences!The Asimovian characters-as-plot-revealers isn't for everyone, but he does an entrancing job.

We can sometimes see the effects of terrain on weather in the real, but zooming out and having perspectives of real recorded data would be entrancing to watch... i'm sure there's a lot to be learned form such things to but i just want to see it better.

Entrancing definitions


capturing interest as if by a spell; "bewitching smile"; "Roosevelt was a captivating speaker"; "enchanting music"; "an enthralling book"; "antique papers of entrancing design"; "a fascinating woman"

See also: bewitching captivating enchanting enthralling fascinating