Enmesh in a sentence as a verb

The network effects enmesh us all within the stickest of webs.

It is GR that describes "what gravity does", and which is difficult to enmesh with quantum mechanics.

Take some psychedelics, get outside your comfort zone with people and activities, enmesh yourself in a new culture, learn a new language.

Most people just went along, and were eventually given a massage from a child at his behest to further enmesh them into the conspiracy.

But it seems like you read between the lines pretty well.>enmesh yourself for a few weeks or months in all the possible paths you could focus yourself onCan you expand a bit on this?

Nah, they didn’t lobby enough or enmesh themselves in mutually-assured destruction points in the economy, therefore they can be left to wither on the vine like normal people.

Enmesh definitions


entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh

See also: mesh ensnarl