Enjoyment in a sentence as a noun

".The enjoyment of making things work, learning and shipping it real.

The dude had a whimsical idea, tried it out, and wrote it up for our enjoyment.

For lots of people this is actually good, there is less chaos and more enjoyment and more creativity.

The enjoyment of music is a subjective experience, is it not?

Your enjoyment will far outweigh performance differences that will be minor in 99% of real world cases.

You want stable hours and liberal time off because there is more enjoyment to your life than writing code and creating software.

There is value in having enjoyment and fun in life and this is a transcending value that betters society.

If anything, it strikes me as a terribly dismal existence for not a whole lot of reward and enjoyment.

People eat for enjoyment, because they're happy, because they're sad, to deal with stress, as a substitute for something else arguably more destructive and so on.

Once a person is paid for a habit they previously only did for enjoyment, the habit will generally become less enjoyable.

It's a demo: you can't complain that it's hindering usability or enjoyment of the pictures when there is no context in which you might use it or enjoy the pictures.

A lot of the stuff they produce with so-called broken and unproductive tools are amazing products that provide a lot of productivity and enjoyment for a wide range of people.

The authors report finding same self-reported level of enjoyments from the test users on all 3. However, they report that repeat play was more significant in the physical & tangible version of the game, which does not create an argument in the favor of Osmo.

But there are rarer men who would rather die than work without enjoyment in their work: the fastidious people, difficult to satisfy, whose object is not served by an abundant profit, unless the work itself be the reward of all rewards.

Enjoyment definitions


the pleasure felt when having a good time


act of receiving pleasure from something

See also: delectation


(law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property; "we were given the use of his boat"