Enhancer in a sentence as a noun

Also the evidence that caffeine is a cognitive enhancer isn't very good.

Oddly enough, I can't find a single reference to farms using antibiotics as a growth enhancer in this article.

Can you imagine if farmers could just buy antibiotics by the truckload and feed them to healthy livestock as a growth enhancer?

The value of an MBA is as a credibility enhancer, a networking assist, and way to learn what areas of business you might like.

But I know web devs had a party and since that day, the amount of Javascript on the web has skyrocketed, and it's gone from an optional "experience enhancer" to a requirement in many cases.

A former molecular bio major,Be careful folks.. the sugar they are referring to is corn syrup which was used as fat taste replacement..sucrosefructose in small doses is still fine..although do not use it a diet plan as its a hunger enhancer as it blocks a body released chemical that tells are body to stop eating.

Enhancer definitions


anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities; "pretty girls like plain friends as foils"

See also: foil