Energize in a sentence as a verb

"import huge numbers of immigrants" = as long as you can feed and energize them, sure.

I don't want bold decisions to try and energize my experience with my text editor.

Taking a break from the tech sector could definitely re-energize you.

In that lecture it clicked for me that certain mental activities energize me, and certain ones don't.

I get energize by having people around working towards the same goal and that is very valuable to me.

There are loads of people who spend 3 hours in the gym and then go "re-energize" with a frappucino which completely destroys the time in the gym.

This takes around a month or so. Once you've got the parts, you can install it and then a government certified technician/engineer is required to be present when you energize it.

And here we have the other advantage of Kickstarter: It makes it easier than ever to find and energize a collection of early customers.

"***** are probably the most effective way to fight it and they can help the depressed person energize themselves towards tackling their problem in other ways.

For example learning new stuff "energized, organizing and cataloging "draining",

Although they emphatically stigmatize numismatic plethora, they energize it through their tactics and practices.

Every time we as a nation do something that seems audacious, we raise the morale of the nation and energize the populace to work harder on pretty much everything else.

Perhaps unusually I find I have unlimited mental energy for things that I find interesting to do, and a limited amount for things that aren't. I remember sitting through a lecture on introverts and extroverts and the discussion was around "energy" and how extroverts were energized by interacting with more people and introverts were "drained" by lots of interactions.

And I suppose it would also lead to a justification for the idea that Nate Silver has a liberal bias, using his relatively "wishy-washy" predictions to energize his mostly young and liberal audience to get out and vote.

Earth's retention of its atmosphere also owes a significant amount to its planetary magnetic field, which deflects solar radiation that would otherwise energize molecules in the upper atmosphere enough to escape the gravity well.

You're embarrassed by a successful entrepreneur?Can you explain to me what is embarrassing to you?Is it the making money part?Is it the understanding a market and serving it part?Is it the education and knowledge sharing to better energize and expand the market part?Is it the persistence, perseverance and timing part?Is it the creation of a legion of folks who never would have participated had they not been given the encouragement and clear marketplace part?Is it the successful marketing part?Or is it some other part that I have failed to mention?

Energize definitions


cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate"

See also: stimulate arouse brace energise


raise to a higher energy level; "excite the atoms"

See also: excite energise