Endoscope in a sentence as a noun

I hate the endoscope so the balloon is my worst nightmare.

If I wanted to cheaply find out what was in it I would drill a small hole and use a $20 endoscope.

Someone on the thread mentioned that some safes have false floors that might not be possible to see with an endoscope.

That 1mm single fiber endoscope is just amazing, out of a spy/scifi novel.

More like the "brain endoscope" route, except it's just a think micro electrode to confirm the target, then the actual wire itself.

I think the idea is to have a passive bundle of fiber at the far end with all your electronics in the safe zone, like a fiber optic endoscope.

I for one can't wait to incorporate the oculus rift when preforming invasive experiments on animals using an endoscope.

Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor.

For example, do we already have some sort of skull/brain endoscope whereby you drill a little whole and do the surgery by wire, or do you still have to open up the skull to install the implants?

But maybe endoscope technology also improved, smaller diameter perhaps?

It's intended for endoscope probes, but consider the all-aspect imaging capability of fifth-generation fighter jets, and imagine that in mobile devices.

Being held down by a couple of nurses and the doctor whilst the procedure was done three times - the first two times I pulled the endoscope out after having panic attacks - was the worst medical-related experienced I've ever had, and it still gives me nightmares.

Endoscope definitions


a long slender medical instrument for examining the interior of a bodily organ or performing minor surgery