Encyclical in a sentence as a noun

It's like there is a papal encyclical on the canonical right way to do exception handling.

>>I will try to dodge the explicitly Christian bits, because I really don’t want people arguing about religion on this blogWell then don't discuss an encyclical by the antipope.

In 1930, the Pope released an encyclical in which he condemned birth control, abortion, and eugenics as all being incompatible with the traditional Christian view of reproduction.

Encyclical in a sentence as an adjective

Pope John Paul II wrote an encyclical accepting evolution ages ago, so Catholicism doesn't require god to be involved with every single detail of creation.

In 1996 Pope John Paul II went further:> Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis.

Encyclical definitions


a letter from the pope sent to all Roman Catholic bishops throughout the world


intended for wide distribution; "an encyclical letter"