Encrustation in a sentence as a noun

Just because tech is a big part of it doesn't mean that all of the rest of the cultural encrustations of the SV frat-house environment are non-existent or unimportant.

Such schemes are totally unrealistic maintenance nightmares due to corrosion, encrustation, storms, and difficulty of site access.

Politics is part of human nature; the encrustations of western civilisation and elsewhere are not arbitrary.

I don't think it's a problem with the Creator conjecture itself, but with the theological encrustations, lacking anything resembling real-world evidentiary support, that people keep attaching to that conjecture.

It goes hand and hand with a respect for "architecture" that too often can't say that the Emperor often has no clothes, and that a thick encrustation of barnacles often masquerades as an "architecture".Just to take an example, I wasted a few hours of my life trying to change the number of worker threads on a certain server written in Java.

Encrustation definitions


the formation of a crust

See also: incrustation


a hard outer layer that covers something

See also: crust incrustation


a decorative coating of contrasting material that is applied to a surface as an inlay or overlay

See also: incrustation