Encapsulate in a sentence as a verb

Web Components doesn't solve this at all, it just tries to encapsulate the\n > work.

And campaigns being a temporary thing, I think they perfectly encapsulate the design of the "era".

If it's a business transaction, create logic objects that encapsulate the biz logic, and service objects that applies the logic to the models.

That doesn't really encapsulate Yegge's main point, about Google needing to fully commit to becoming a platform company like Amazon and Facebook.

Alan Kay's idea of OOP-- encapsulate complexity behind a simple interface, and separate the two while preferring stability in the latter-- was utterly sound and right.

Alan Kay advocated OOP as something to do when complexity became unmanageable: encapsulate it behind simpler interfaces.

The one time I did this using A/Bingo, in lieu of doing a total app rearchitecture, I made a utility method to encapsulate the A/Bingo call and then hit the 10ish points in the code base which were going to be shared but not totally equivalent between the A and B variants.

While a "politics" cluster is too broad, some shorter-lived and more specialized clusters, such as Snowden/Angular/whatever grouping, would afford discussion among those interested, encapsulate the babble storm, yet give an indication of activity so that individuals can determine their own level of involvement.

Encapsulate definitions


enclose in a capsule or other small container


put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume; "capsulize the news"

See also: capsule capsulize capsulise