Ellipsis in a sentence as a noun

There's an ellipsis at the start of that, here's what the whole text looks like:> SEC. 15.

" The ellipsis should be three dots, and there shouldn't be a space before it.

Truncating with ellipsis in the GUI in a desktop app.

The three dots is the equivalent of an ellipsis.

Good practice would be to show via ellipsis that something was omitted.

If you use them like that... How can you say an ellipsis is any different than a period at the end of a sentence...?

Good examples for that are things like JavaScript, XHR, or text-overflow:ellipsis.

Pretend that English had no representation of an ellipsis, but Hebrew did.

The designer sitting next to me is most excited about this: >* Added support for text-overflow: ellipsis

I'm totally ok with it but I'd probably like a [+] expansion widget or ellipsis mark to indicate hidden content in those contexts.

First of all, I hate the "here is my weekend project I created in x seconds/minutes/days", but I consider the title of this post to be an ellipsis: "How I built my blog in one day and you can too!

It's not that you mentioned the platform, it's that the ellipsis - in lieu of any other commentary - seemed to itself be commentary on that platform, as if something should follow and the reader should know what.

I think the author got it right and d23 hid that in the ellipsis.>TOR, short for The Onion Router, is an obscure routing network that allows anonymous access to the “darknet” — the vast, murky portion of the Internet that cannot be indexed by standard search engines.>Estimated to be 5,000 times larger that the “surface” web, it’s in these recesses that you’ll find human-trafficking rings, black market drug markets and terrorist networks.

Ellipsis definitions


omission or suppression of parts of words or sentences

See also: eclipsis