Eggshell in a sentence as a noun

Sure the victim should have a backup, but an eggshell skull is no defense.

Don't send me a hard drive in a plastic eggshell case with a few packing peanuts in the box.

But on my iPhone 5 it renders in some shade of eggshell when the rest of the interface is white.

Facebook gives me a feeling quite like the one I feel I would have observing off-white eggshell paint dry or maybe munching on a packing peanut.

Raise your hand if you think intentionally cracking the eggshell of our planet using synchronized nuclear bombs might be a bad idea...

It punctured a hole in the bottom of the egg and sent a bunch of slightly compressed air into it which exploded the eggshell outwards and completely peeled the egg.

Whenever you're dealing with a traditionally stereotyped person/group you get that walking on eggshell feeling.

" was, as Ulbricht's lawyer described him in his sentencing memo, an "overweight 27-year old black man".It's interesting to note that even if one of these overdose victims had health problems that predisposed them to overdose mortality --- something that is pretty far from being established --- there is actually a legal rule that contemplates this circumstance directly: google "the eggshell skull rule".

Eggshell definitions


the exterior covering of a bird's egg

See also: shell