Edition in a sentence as a noun

They just killed their print edition for good last year.

Go and get the 1st or 2nd edition.

For years, collectors paid a great premium to buy the 1911 edition, just for that reason.

Or expressed surprise that the Vogue Spring edition is the one where they show off new styles, which is why it's so thick and has so few ads.

So when you said you wanted the rights back so you could self-publish the second edition yourself, we accepted that.

These were not just "old media" types either - these are talented people, some of whom who don't even read the print edition.

I learned more about good OO design from the first edition of Code Complete than any other book that I ever read.

Most customers would not be too pleased to buy a book only to discover that there is a new edition available.

A free high-quality online edition was my proposed solution to both problems.

It literally takes a pre-formatted PDF or Word document and sticks it on a website, and maybe into a print edition.

The article popped up in one of those insufferable iPad-only JS-powered "mobile editions" with Swiping Action.

It is our interpretation of your contract that we had the right to produce a second edition, but we also agreed that you had the right to terminate the contract.

By the time I even heard about the issue, you were asking for a reprint that has a two month lead time with only three months to go before you were planning to publish the second edition.

After all, since he plans to self-publish the second edition, there is nothing to prevent him from self-publishing additional copies of the first edition if he requires them.

Startup edition: * provision one ec2 instance per number to check * assign numeric order based on uptime in msec using zookeeper * serve result via json * render it on the client.

The results echoed in the western world at the highest levels for no less than two centuries, culminating in a famous 1911 edition that was widely regarded as the pinnacle in assembled human knowledge to that time - something to be marveled at.

Related [1]: Wired: How has your thinking about design changed over the past decades?\n\n Brooks: When I first wrote The Mythical Man-Month in 1975, I counseled\n programmers to “throw the first version away,” then build a second one.\n By the 20th-anniversary edition, I realized that constant incremental\n iteration is a far sounder approach.

Edition definitions


the form in which a text (especially a printed book) is published


all of the identical copies of something offered to the public at the same time; "the first edition appeared in 1920"; "it was too late for the morning edition"; "they issued a limited edition of Bach recordings"


an issue of a newspaper; "he read it in yesterday's edition of the Times"


something a little different from others of the same type; "an experimental version of the night fighter"; "a variant of the same word"; "an emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone"; "the boy is a younger edition of his father"

See also: version variant variation