Editing in a sentence as a noun

It will remember the last editing command, just as Vi, and repeat it when you press .

Sorry for my meta-snark, but:This is an example of bad editing of the title.

"I will design a new editing program," he said, "a program that will replace all these others.

" cried the novice in anger, "To make them do anything I must use three or even four editing programs.

[X] Sorry, I'm editing this and not renumbering my footnotes.

The old ways of doing things almost all involve editing a text file and then restarting all affected applications.

So if you want live editing you need bidirectional parsing and serialization in the browser.

Some kid decides to make something cute or awesome or badass or smartass and the next thing you know s/he's hooked on sound editing or what-not.

Stricchiola edited the article for the next few days, ignored the warnings, and eventually stopped editing.

I finally realized I could use my newly acquired Apple II to organize my disorganized notes and help in editing.

If you don't have the man power to review custom titles, and don't trust the community to do it then disallow them other than in the case of manually editing down titles that are too long.

Editing definitions


putting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form

See also: redaction