Dyskinesia in a sentence as a noun

Antipsychotics ruined my life and gave me tardive dyskinesia.

The genetic condition in question is paroxysmal dyskinesia, if you don't want to scroll 60% of the way through the article to find out.

Another one called reglan can give you something called Tardive dyskinesia which is horrible and incurable.

"Lamictal and Seroquel can cause an often permanent condition called tardive dyskinesia[1].

It's tardive dyskinesia, and the term is typically used to denote the facial tics that are a sometimes permanent side effect of older antipsychotics.

Was already scared that I'd become dependent on this, but atypical neuroleptics in low doses are less associated with tardive dyskinesia.

I have schizoaffective disorder myself and while I haven't hit any bad side effects from my antipsychotics yet I do worry about diabetes and tardive dyskinesia a lot. Of course I expect these alternative treatments to carry their own risks, but I am hopeful we can find treatments with fewer.

I've seen online ads that mention tardive dyskinesia, which is a drug side effect that is particularly associated with psychiatric ***** such as antipsychotics.

Dyskinesia definitions


abnormality in performing voluntary muscle movements