Duodecimal in a sentence as a noun

> I don't see the point of a duodecimal system of units when a base 10 system is much more elegant.

I don't see the point of a duodecimal system of units when a base 10 system is much more elegant.

In fact, there are some groups that specifically argue for duodecimal systems.

This duodecimal system is "perhaps due to contact with Babylonia" [Lass, "Old English"].

The elegant thing is that in duodecimal all of those are non-repeating fractions: .4, .3, .2, .14, .01 respectively.

"Germanic languages have special words for 11 and 12, such as eleven and twelve in English, which are often misinterpreted as vestiges of a duodecimal system.

Duodecimal in a sentence as an adjective

You can also find the duodecimal system in languages like English and German: ten, eleven, twelve | thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen\n zehn, elf, zwölf | dreizehn, vierzehn, fünfzehn, sechzehn

But is the customary units system consistently duodecimal?

It makes a very nice simple system for approximate arithmetic, since 1 digit after the duodecimal point is enough to represent 3 and 5 reasonably closely.

Ever tried memorizing the 60 times table?The duodecimal times table is actually easier to memorize than the decimal one because while it is 44% bigger, there are many easy patterns.

If we didn't have 10 fingers, the entire decimal system is worse than base 12 or duodecimal system [3].The problems faced by America are exactly the same type of problems if we want to convert the entire world to duodecimal system.

Calculating with fractions vs. “duodecimals” would be a much less dramatic trade-off, and for many everyday calculations converting back and forth between duodecimal and fractional forms would be trivial.

Proper Noun Examples for Duodecimal

Duodecimal measurement units are overcomplicated if you don't also use a duodecimal number system, and converting anybody to that is a far bigger challenge than just changing unit systems.

Duodecimal definitions


one part in twelve equal parts

See also: one-twelfth twelfth


based on twelve; "the duodecimal number system"