Dumbfounding in a sentence as an adjective

I find it dumbfounding how anyone can compare the two and not find 2048 an extremely poor clone.

It's dumbfounding this is the top comment. If we can't be critical of government waste in this case, when can we be?

That is dumbfounding. It alone calls the verdict into question.

This is such a level of navet that is really dumbfounding. I want to attempt to be charitable ...

How a company like this raises VC is just dumbfounding. Why the F do graphic designers need to raise VC to pump out more infographics.

Why something called 'phone' has a map, a tv, a calendar, an internet browser, and a bunch of games built in at all is dumbfounding to me. Yet that is the world we live in.

This was not dumbfounding behavior -- it is predictable like the sun rising in the east.

The whole, "I'm going do what I can to keep you from having your civil rights, but don't be mean to me" thing is dumbfounding to me. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from having your fee-fees hurt.

This is truly dumbfounding to me. They had normalized, searchable access to millions of credit cards.

> The sheer magnitude of the irrational fear of ***** is dumbfounding. I definitely agree with you there.

What I find utterly dumbfounding is how some of the journals get away with charging everyone money. First, the journals charge the labs publishing fees.

Also, the threats to force a debt default along with the shutdown are dumbfounding. That would, as The Economist writes, "unleash global financial chaos".

There is so much faint and indirect information in the world it's dumbfounding. We're crossing a threshold where computation can make this visible.

But the sheer complexity and capability of the US military is dumbfounding.

It's just dumbfounding. Election after election, over and over.

That protein visualization is dumbfounding, but it feels comforting to know that human source code isn't completely intractable.

It's dumbfounding how artists, authors and advocates who claim to support those lowly artists and authors make such self-serving cases against the likes of Amazon, when it does not suit their mores. What about the democratization of publishing?

I find it dumbfounding that in this day and age, people can still create rather arbitrary social experiments with only 49 people and then think they can draw grandiose conclusions from their "data".

When an author is reversing tropes and dumbfounding your expectations, when you're suspended between possible outcomes and don't know what's going to happen next, that's the golden time in reading.

Dumbfounding definitions


bewildering or striking dumb with wonder

See also: astounding dumfounding