Drumhead in a sentence as a noun

Thats what Ceaușescu thought until the' army rebelled and staged a quick drumhead court and fireing squad.

These drumhead hearings were not dissimilar to the Title IX hearings that take place on the campuses today.

Where you would normally get a rebound from the drumhead, you use your palm for the rebound and fingers for the double hit.

Drumhead in a sentence as an adjective

The first smashing can be felt more than heard, a subsonic strike something like a vast drumhead being struck with a metre-wide mallet, but so quick, you barely even notice it until it’s over.

Is it more reasonable to think that this is the beat of a baseless drumhead conspiracy, or that influential people are genuinely changing their minds about very large issues, despite the profitability of keeping silent?

Drumhead definitions


a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum

See also: head


performed speedily and without formality; "a summary execution"; "summary justice"

See also: summary