Driving in a sentence as a noun

The price of Macs goes up driving some customers to iPads.

Bots were loading pages and driving up our advertising costs.

Even smaller for people who are sitting at the computer when they see the alert, not driving on a freeway.

- and the driving in circles, although it would be interesting to know just how clearly marked that supercharge station is.

He tries to blame this on wheel size later, while simultaneously using Tesla's logs as showing that he wasn't driving very fast.

Yes, but he says that he did this when he switched to cruise control -- when in fact he did this a little later, when he switched to city driving, as the logs show.

Meanwhile, news coverage is driving exploding popularity, which appears to be pulling the exchange rate sky high.

Driving in a sentence as an adjective

When I complained to a friend at Google about the new GMail compose, he said that what was driving it was that Larry wanted a beautiful, consistent look throughout all Google's products.

In typical fashion, the left-hand bans all development that would allow public transit to be usable and the right-hand insists that people should stop driving and take public transit.

What the **** I consider driving a car to work to be hardly justifiable at all in our trade, but a 31 year old fire truck is sending a giant **** you to anyone else trying to reduce their carbon emissions.

For example, he was the driving force behind Rust's recent widespread switch from internal iterators to external iterators, and wrote most of the external iterator libraries himself.

Shifting to cruise control did not affect the drainage curve at all, and when he called Tesla they suggested that cruise control was a Bad Idea, because the Tesla has regenerative braking, so you see that he turns it off at about 225 mi and starts stop-and-go driving in the city.

Tesla, in turn, says that he unplugged over their objections.- Broder just can't "account for the discrepancy" about the logs showing him driving close to 55 when he said he was limping along at 45, back from Norwich.- Broder seems defensible on the parking brake - how is he to know not to turn off the car?

I was a middle class white kid with a great education who got obsessed with hacking and document security as a teenager and went down for figuring out how to perfectly replicate the driving license, thus throwing away many of the advantages that luck, society and my parents had given me.

Driving definitions


hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver; "he sliced his drive out of bounds"

See also: drive


the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal


having the power of driving or impelling; "a driving personal ambition"; "the driving force was his innate enthusiasm"; "an impulsive force"

See also: impulsive


acting with vigor; "responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive"