Drinking in a sentence as a noun

Some labourers say they have been denied access to free drinking water in the desert heat.

In companies full of 20-something Red Bull drinking 11a-9p gamer nerds, the rule gets you more gamer nerds.

What I expect they want to happen is something like this:I post a picture of me drinking a Coke to Instagram.

A lot of traditional developer events are held on weeknights and evenings and involve drinking at bars.

Use alcohol sparingly: one drink is fine, but it takes a week to recover from a night of serious drinking... and if you're coding, you actually notice the loss.

I am convinced there is some kind of long-term drinking game going on in the C standards committee to see how many different uses they can come up with for the word "static".

I also know people who use ***** illegally, as well as participate in or facilitate underage drinking, and I don't have a problem with any of it.

You can point out that I'm sitting in climate-controlled car, listening to a podcast, drinking coffee, having a better time than 99% of humans throughout history.

The fact is, it's socially acceptable, among my social circles, to pirate, to use *****, and to {participate in,facilitate} underage drinking.

I live in a world where it matters what things "do," not how they "feel," so some guys playing volleyball with girls in bikinis while drinking Coors Light just washes over me as a bizarre way to stay hydrated while at the beach.

Drinking definitions


the act of consuming liquids

See also: imbibing imbibition


the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess; "drink was his downfall"

See also: drink boozing drunkenness crapulence