Dreaming in a sentence as a noun

And dreaming takes a lot of energy and time.

It feels like waking up for the first time, and realizing that you'd been dreaming your whole life.

Either I'm going to man up and get this over with, or I'm just going to keep dreaming of doing it every day.

I wrote some apps too, dreaming of becoming someone like Nathan someday.

And for entreprenuers that's just a trap for perpetual day-dreaming.

Do you really think there is someone siting around at Apple dreaming up new ways to take away your freedom?No.

I may be dreaming, but empty cars you can grab any time and take anywhere or request anything... it really is a beautiful thing.

I've been dreaming of this art project where I put up tables in the Mission and hire a bunch of Task Rabbits to manually mine Bitcoins while they eat food delivered by ZeroCater

I'm dreaming of a website that would allow crowd-sourcing to get 95% of the way to a ready-to-file submission, which could then be vetted and finalized by pro-bono lawyers, students in legal clinic, etc.

If he's unlucky, and is incapacitated or otherwise unable to turn it off, well, that's quite the problem now, isn't it?I hate dreaming up hypotheticals, but this story practically demands it.

Dreaming definitions


imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality"

See also: dream


a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep; "I had a dream about you last night"

See also: dream