Dossier in a sentence as a noun

AKA, "Start a dossier on me if you haven't already.

Once we have a broader suite of tools for this latter purpose, we'll see people reject centralized dossier services like FB.

Yes, the NSA has a dossier on most Americans, collected using computer programs.

However, check out the incredible ramifications of this dossier being held over my head in order to coerce me into silence!

Might I suggest having some fun with one's dossier?Like randomly doing the exact opposite of what you would ordinarily do on a daily basis.

It would take eight human lives and deaths just to form one character in this being's name -- its complete dossier might take up a considerable piece of the history of the world.

Certainly never anything strong enough to bother accumulating a dossier of links and grievances.

If on the other hand the dossier is more sinister in nature you can dilute its usefulness by being a different person every now and then to throw it off track.

The problem with Facebook is that it is personal details specifically organized into a dossier-like format.

* Give the on-site interview team a full dossier of objective facts about what our up-front process learned about the candidate, so that nobody is trying to read tea leaves out of resumes.

Additionally, the dodgy dossier episode has emasculated and distorted large chunks of the BBC's programming leading to some completely bizarre side effects[1].The BBC still does produce a large amount of quality progamming, but budgets and purposes have been affected.

The natural history unit still put out good documentaries, but even they're not entirely untarnished[2].The quality of news has also suffered, particularly thanks to spin doctors in previous administrations, the simon gilligan dodgy dossier affair and other stresses on the BBC.

Why pay agents to listen to personal calls, when you can stockpile intel for the day you might need it, and analyze it via algorithm?I foresee a day when every American has a dossier, a smear campaign, and a law enforcement attack plan on file, in case they decide to "make trouble" for the powerful.

Aren't you suddenly getting terrified about what the dossier created by data mining every phone call, every email, every article on every website you read, every comment you've ever left, every book you ever bought, every library book that you ever took out, the magazines that you subscribe to, every cent you've ever spent by card and where it was spent, every place you've ever lived, every place where you worked, every place you ever made a phone call from, every classmate you've ever had, how much electricity you use, and the same things about all of your probable friends - w/different data sources starting 7-15 years ago?Are you even more terrified of the executive summary?

Dossier definitions


a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject (usually a person's record)