Dong in a sentence as a noun

"It's not sexist to make a jokes about the word "dongle" sounding like "dong".

I got "dong markup" in my RSS reader from pull requests to zedshaw/mongrel2 today.

Mr-hank has admitted that he made a sexual joke about big dongles and apologized for it.

Dong in a sentence as a verb

They made a joke about the word "dong" sounding like the word "dongle".If this is what you think a frat house sounds like, you are very mistaken.

Are you seriously trying to draw a connection between two guys making a joke to each other about how the word "dongle" sounds like the word "dong" a person being sexually assaulted?

> It's not sexist to make jokes about the word "dongle" sounding like "dong".It is sexist to create a sexualized environment at a tech conference, because the consequences of that environment hurt women much more than they hurt men; it's a failure to show consideration to women.

Dong definitions


the basic unit of money in Vietnam


go `ding dong', like a bell

See also: ding dingdong