Dominate in a sentence as a verb

Or they're a coder like me, worried about a future where closed systems dominate.

But gamers are not; as a rule, people who sit around and play COD all day do not dominate life's leaderboards.

Because they knew this was their chance to dominate the books industry, just as iTunes had done in music.

Lets also not be ignorant of the massive feminist thought that dominates subs like 2x.

Welcome to reality, where markets are never dominated by perfection and fairy tales.

Microsoft's approach was different: let others innovate, then we'll dominate.

If you dominate the Internet for Christmas cookie recipes, that is about equivalent to a full-time job as a cookbook author.

But now that I read Der Strmer, I see so much more: that the Jews control all the banks, that we dominate in the arts, and that we're on the verge of taking over the entire world.

On this webinar I explained the current state of the mobile game industry and my plans to dominate as an independent developer.

So now there is much less differentiation between pro and amateur bowlers and it is hard to be consistently dominate as everyone is bowling very high scores.

In principle, they could give a lone programmer or small company that invents something awesome the edge needed to break in to a market dominated by large companies.

In the same way that someone with severe OCD will do things like wash their hands until the skin comes off, these people are neurotically compelled to dominate others even if doing so actually harms them.

Talk about failure of design!/r/books was an okay resource for the casual reader and now is dominated by items that are, imo, much more lowest common denominator.

Clearly then, it is possible for genetics to completely dominate other factors in determining intelligence.

Feel free to ask for more elaboration if you do not understand the mechanics of how this works, or why it will quickly dominate the pool of people willing to receive $50 in consideration for $100 of Starbucks cards.

You don't have to like it, you can rail against it the rest of your life, and fight the good fight; and Android will continue to dominate, and it will have absolutely nothing to do with issues related to fragmentation.

In my personal opinion, a big reason why Copilot and Kiln never quite made it was that we didn't have the developer resources to dominate the market when we were in a good position to do so.

The reasons are myriad but usually it comes down to prestige: for example, among couriers there is a longstanding weekly and monthly competition between groups that prove their chops by trying to dominate each other.

Imagine the worst fundamentalist christian ignorant half ******** hillbilly sex fiend town straight out of the movie Deliverance, but then give them dictatorial control over outsiders, a total lack of desire to work and a strong desire to dominate control and cheat others and you have Saipan.

The top comments tend to be half-assed efforts usually ending in a joke or even a reddit in-joke because the guy who posts something silly immediately will dominate while the guy still working on his story and posts after an hour of writing ends up being comment 78 and no one scrolls that far down to read.

Dominate definitions


be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood"

See also: predominate rule reign prevail


be in control; "Her husband completely dominates her"


have dominance or the power to defeat over; "Her pain completely mastered her"; "The methods can master the problems"

See also: master


be greater in significance than; "the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness"

See also: overshadow eclipse


look down on; "The villa dominates the town"

See also: command overlook overtop